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An Easy Way to Climb Mt. Fuji (2016)

Music by The Cavesingers

In July 2016, my wife and I climbed Mt. Fuji via the Fujinomiya trail. This was part of our honeymoon adventure. The climb was pretty straight forward, and it took us 4 hours to get to the top and 4 hours to get back down. The videos were shot on my iPhone.

Estudio de una calle (2012)

Music by Julieta Venegas

In this video I took a digital SLR camera and set it up on a tripod above my working space.  Every time I completed a section of the painting I snapped a picture. The painting was made for a friend.

Altyn Arashan and a Kyrgyz Yurt (2009)

Music recorded July 2009 at Yak Tours, Altyn Arashan, Kyrgyzstan

Recorded by Tim Suchsland and Phil Montgomery

While serving in the US Peace Corps in Kazakhstan, 2 of my friends and I traveled to Bishkek and Karakol, Kyrgyzstan for some R&R. Our ultimate goal was to hike to the Altyn Arashan (Golden Valley/Hot Springs) and to sleep in a yurt. Ultimately, we accomplished that goal. This video, though quality of the film is not great, is my attempt to create a travel film of this amazing experience...

Camp Dostik (2008)

Recorded at Camp Dostik June-July 2008. Filmed and created by Tim Suchsland and Phil Montgomery at Camp Dostik, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan

As part of service in the  US Peace Corps in Kazakhstan, volunteers take part in many activities and work projects outside of our main assignments. Several volunteers and our students took part in a summer camp called Camp Dostik (Friendship). At the camp we facilitated the English education program. Phil and I created this video to show our experience to family and friends back home.

Painting the Sands Hotel - Casino (2012)

Music by Peter Bjorn & John, Manu Chao, Dntel & Ben Gibbard, and Of Montreal

This painting of the Sands Regency Hotel Casino in Reno, NV is part of my RENOpolis water color series.  Over the course of about 2 hours, I filmed myself painting and drawing with digital SLR camera I stationed on a tripod above my working space.  When I went back and edited the video, I sped it up from 2 hours to 6 minutes. 

La Tour Eiffel, Champ de Mars (2012)

Music by -M-

I painted this as a commission project for a friend's daughter.  I set up a tripod with a digital SLR camera set above.  I set the camera to take a picture every 4 to 5 seconds.  When I edited all the pictures together, the video came out with a time-lapse effect.

Welcome to Yavlenka (2009)

Recorded with Galya Pozolotina in Yavlenka, Kazakhstan

I served 2 years with the Peace Corps in a small village in northern Kazakhstan called Yavlenka. One of my students and I made this video for a pen-pal exchange program. My students had exchanged letters with classes in Arizona and Nevada. Though the quality of the film is not great, I think it gives Americans a good idea of what a small village in rural Kazakhstan is like.

Blizzard (буран) (2008)

Recorded with Phil Montgomery in Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan

Winters in Kazakhstan are cold and harsh. I have always thought that this video of one "buran" or blizzard is interesting to watch...

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